Take a moment and consider the following statistics:


●     Nearly half of all people open an app 11- plus times per day

●     Over 20% of Millennials open an ap over 50 times per day

●     Of all time spent on digital media in the US, 70% is on mobile apps


While you might think it’s words that tell stories, the numbers do most of the talking here. No matter your business venture, you want to meet consumers where they are. You need to exist in your target audience’s space so they can receive your message and get converted into leads, customers, and long-term clients.


Keeping the above sentiments in mind, in 2022, smack-dab in the middle of the digital age, your target audience is most likely on apps.


Now, you could want to design an app for the app’s sake, likely because you have an innovative idea. Or, you might want to make an app to market your business.


Either way, your target audience will be receptive. You’re speaking their language in their preferred space.


Unfortunately, there’s still the matter of developing the app.


Sure, you’ve got a great, game-changing idea. But there are still the nuts and bolts of the whole thing. Plus, even if you somehow figured out how to develop an app, what are the chances you’ll make it how you want it?


After all, making apps isn’t easy.


Or is it?


According to AppyPie, making a #Mobileapp can be simple. It can be as straightforward as you dreaming up an exciting, innovative idea and quickly making it into a #CloudBasedApp.


As the #1 Cloud-based #MobileApp Builder, AppyPie empowers everyone to enter the world of #AppDevelopment. You don’t need an iota of technical knowledge to make an advanced application for smartphones and other mobile devices.


You also don’t need to Install or Download anything. There isn’t any programming, either. It’s a matter of dragging, dropping, and watching your #MobileApp come to life.


AppyPie has a reputation that speaks for itself, with over 5000 apps generated monthly through its platform.


Signing up for free is a matter of inputting your information. Once you’ve done so and published your app, you’ll receive an HTML5-based hybrid app that’s compatible with:


●     iPhone

●     Android

●     Windows Phone

●     Blackberry

●     iPad


Furthermore, AppyPie releases iPhone Apps on iTunes and Android Apps on Google Play for businesses and individuals.


Taking Bigger Steps is honored to have AppyPie as a partner because they represent everything we stand for.


They’re providing support and resources to people who have ideas but not six or seven-figure budgets to work with. They’re offering a platform for innovation and earning income to everyday people who want to take bigger steps in their life.


It’s impossible not to get excited about this kind of service and all it entails. Let that excitement inspire you to dream up your game-changing app. Then, click the link below to learn more about the world’s leading Cloud-based Mobile Apps Builder Software and see how they can help bring your app idea to life.

Learn more about Appypie here


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